Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You Want a Piece of Me?

Two years ago Britney suffered the worst times of her life, yet shes made a huge comeback and a new impression on the world. At the 2007 MTV Music Awards fans were anticipating the moment ; waiting for the stylish vocals, entertaining dance moves, and hot bod. But too their amazement, Britney didn't have the looks or what everyone expected from her. Is it okay as a society to have high over-the-top expectations of someone whether they're a star or not? All we know is that she definitely had an unforgettable comeback.

"Brit - you wanna make a comeback so comeback as yourself. Don’t try and fool us into thinking you’re still at your best; but first, find the sleaze that released these pics and show him who the real fool is. " [1]

Paparazzi are constantly harassing Britney because one picture could go for up "10 thousand dollars" [2] Shes too fat, shes too thin, she shaves her head, she almost drops her baby, shouldn't everyone just give her a break? If it was anyone else in the whole world no one would even give a second look, but just because shes in the 'eye' of the media right now, everything matters. As a society people should be supporting Britney, and encouraging her too get help, not criticizing her every move, all that this is doing is making her break down even further. By giving Britney all the negativity and harsh reviews, society is pushing her to do even more awkward and stupid things just because it gets attention and that's clearly what shes looking for, and that exactly what were giving her.

The paparazzi spend 50% of their time, watching and following Britney Spears.[3] With people constantly keeping track of your every move would you be able to put up with it? The paparazzi follow her everywhere she goes, they wait for her outside of her house and they're always flashing cameras in her face. This played a big role in her emotional breakdown because she never had any privacy and everything she did wrong was blown way out of proportion. The real question people should be asking themselves should be, is Britney really in the mental state of mind, or is this all one big scheme to keep her fans entertained? Britney does really weird things in front of paparazzi like: shave her head, get 2 tattoos, go into a grocery store and buy a pony, talks wit different accents.[4] Does this really sound like someone that doesn't want attention? Britney is definitely a contributor to the frenzy, if she seriously is mentally ill, she shouldn't be aloud to go out in public by herself because clearly she's just giving the paparazzi more stories.

"Celebrity Worship Syndrome is an obsessive-addictive disorder in which a person becomes overtly involved with the details of a celebrity's personal life." [5] Many people become obsessed with stars and find it an addiction, just like smoking or drinking. It really is unhealthy because this is definitely what causes stalkers and its terrible for the stars because dangerous things can come out of this.

Who is Britney Spears? What does she do? If the paparazzi weren't constantly hounding her, these would likely be questions most asked. I don't agree with celebrities 'fighting back' to protect privacy because, sure they should get a little privacy but if everything wasn't caught on film or captured in photos, Britney would not be who she is today. If the paparazzi stopped writing about her and snapping photos she would be forgotten about so this is why you wonder if stars really do want privacy.

"The so-called “Britney Law” is said to be aimed at protecting celebrities, as well as pedestrians and drivers, who may be put in danger by a horde of photographers."[6] We all like a little gossip, but I'm sure everyone is thinking that it reaching extremes that shouldn't be met. We might as well call them 'Stalkarazzi'.

Paparazzi should just ease down and give the celebrities some breathing space. Theres always going to be a new story and more gossip, it doesn't mean you have to constantly be up in their faces. The more you bug celebrities, the more agitated there going to become, and just like Britney they'll start creating drama and create their own stories. The more you harass stars, the more famous they become.

Hannah, Britney's Smaller Piece : Wordpress Publishing, 2007.

[2] Britney: Speared by the Paps (2008)

[3] Britney: Speared by the Paps (2008)

[4] Britney: Speared by the Paps (2008)

Wales, Jimmy. Celebrity Worship Syndrome, Vanity Publisher, 2007.

Regan, Bob.‘Britney Law’ Targets the Paparazzi, New York: Wordpress Publishing, 2008

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